Scarce Remington Type I Split Breech Saddle Ring Carbine

Our Price: sold

46 caliber rimfire. Serial number 4171. Mfg. 1865-1866 with a total of 5000 ultimately contracted. True predecessor of the rolling block.

Small action long breech, short hammer and forend. 20 inch round barrel with dovetailed front sight that has been altered, flip up rear sight, and single barrel band. Replacement saddle ring.

Overall very fair condition with metal surfaces having a mottled patina and showng some handling marks the heaviest being on the left of the muzzle end of the bbl. The unmarked stock set has been repaired with a plugged reinforcing fastener on the left side due to a crack that runs through the butt at the grip and shows scattered handling marks. The bore exhibits wear with intact light rifling, mild frosting and scattered pits. Tight mechanics.

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Mailing & Contact Information

Call anytime 10AM-10PM EST. I make every effort to answer the phone. If you don't get me PLEASE Leave a message - it will be answered!

Phone: (336) 830-1203

Kernersville, NC
Phone: (336) 830-1203
931-E South Main St. Suite-110

Kernersville, NC 27284

Dover, MA
Phone: (336) 830-1203
P.O. Box 637
Dover, MA 02030

Fort Pierce, FL
Phone: (336) 830-1203
11311 B South Indian River Dr.
Fort Pierce, FL 34982



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