Identified Major General Martin Luther Smith's Confederate Frock Coat With Mexican War Topographical Engineer Epaulets And Hat Insignia
Confederate 1st National Cavalry Guidon by Burger And Brothers Richmond
Confederate 1st National Cavalry Guidon by Burger And Brothers Richmond. These have been known to collectors for many years. Originally purchasedRecent research has led to positive idenitification of the maker.

Most surviving examples are in similar condition, many having totally lost color. This one retains good color and all 11 original stars.

I've included relevant information from Shannon Pritchard's book 'Collecting the Confederacy'.
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Identified Major General Martin Luther Smith's Confederate Frock Coat With Mexican War Topographical Engineer Epaulets And Hat Insignia
Confederate 1st National Cavalry Guidon by Burger And Brothers Richmond
Confederate 1st National Cavalry Guidon by Burger And Brothers Richmond. These have been known to collectors for many years. Originally purchasedRecent research has led to positive idenitification of the maker.

Most surviving examples are in similar condition, many having totally lost color. This one retains good color and all 11 original stars.

I've included relevant information from Shannon Pritchard's book 'Collecting the Confederacy'.
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Sweet 5th Model of 1864 Burnside Carbine 'Cast Steel' Barrel

Our Price: sold Sweet 5th Model of 1864 Burnside Carbine 'Cast Steel' Barrel. Standard model .54 caliber, serial number 8379 with a 21" round barrel. Blade front with single leaf rear sight. Case colored action has guide screw on right side with saddle ring and bar on left side. Blued breech block…

About Rick Burton's Civil War

Full time dealer in authentic Civil War antiques and relics. Rick Burton is a full time dealer in authentic Civil War antiques and relics. He has combined a love of history and metal detecting, resulting in a passion for recovering and preserving artifacts from the conflict. Years of seeing and dealing in dug artifacts has helped him develop a keen eye for the metalurgy and appearance of authentic items of the period.

Currently Rick is a member of the following clubs and organizations:Rick Burton at Civil War Show
  • Company of Military Historians
  • Texas Gun Collectors Association - Life Member
  • Ohio Valley Military Society - Life Member
  • Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society
  • New England Antique Arms Society

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NEW Relics

Dec 13, 2024

Vietnam Era German Paratroopers Gravity Knife

Our Price: $175 Quality made knife almost identical the the WWII models with the exception of the grip material. Blade is hallmarked for maker. Order/Inquire about this item View the embedded image…

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Kernersville, NC 27284

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